A Day at SVPS


The school bell rings and it is time for the assembly. All the classes gather in the assembly ground and the students are instructed to stand in line in ascending order. School choir group sings melodious prayers and all the students join them along.


The class started by changing the date and day on the blackboard. As class 1st had visited their junior class Nursery and the farmhouse yesterday, students began discussing the classroom norms and the types of trees they observed respectively.

Yoga Session

All the students immediately rushed to the hallway eagerly where they would begin with their warm-up, activities and games. To warm the body, teacher had intended to do jumps, jumping jacks, spot running, arms and shoulder rotation, cross-leg workout.

Mental Sports

A mind sport, more correctly mind competition is a game of skill where the competition is based on a particular type of intellectual ability as opposed to physical exercise.

Physical Sports

Having a ton of fun in frog race, penguin race, hop race, students gathered around and stood in six lines one after the other. The new task was to back run till half post, then baby crawl to the end post, touch the baseline and run back to the starting point. Students enjoyed, shared laughs and returned to the class on the ringer.

Unity Management

It is time to get some energy. The corridor is filled in with hundreds of voices in fraction of seconds. The senior-most class, the students are allocated with some duties such as mentoring the lines on stairs, checking if students have enough space on mats to sit in a circle, look for leftovers to be thrown away in dustbins instead of the ground, and so forth.

Happy Sessions

The Happy Sessions are based on an individual’s deep inner need for healing, inner meaning, and “soul-realization.” This life-altering weekend cracks open and brings back home the real self, softening the edges of any experiences. Meditation, Mindfulness and recreational activities are a part of Happy Sessions.

Bye Bye Time

Kids rush to their buses, eager to position themselves near the window to do high-fives. That’s how they like to go home – with blazing smiles and a promise to have another mind blowing day tomorrow.